
What are the benefits of adding a new treatment offering to your clients?

You went on your reflexology journey and training as you saw the need and benefit of holistic therapy to rebalance the mind and body. Both of these acupressure courses, based on the traditional Chinese medicinal therapy of acupuncture will give you an opportunity to broaden your skill set, expand on your service proposition and offer another holistic approach to help existing clients as well as attracting new. Both acupressure courses are very immersive, informative and enjoyable!

If you are interested to find out more, please contact me and I’ll be happy to answer your questions. I have a Level 5 Diploma in Education & Training, and have been teaching the Level 5 Diploma in Applied Reflexology for 2 years . Each course is fully accredited by FHT.

Dates of next Acupressure Courses

Dates: 17th August 2024

To attend a Cranial Acupressure & Muscle release course,


What is Rejuvenating Facial Acupressure?

The rejuvenating facial acupressure treatment is a deeply relaxing facial using a range of techniques and tools to support inner balance. Combining acupressure, muscle release, gentle suction cupping, and gua sha to initiate blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and release of tension. 

You will be taught the anatomy & physiology of the face and neck, learning about the skeletal and muscle structure, skin, blood flow and the lymphatic system. The sequence will be broken down and illustrated with a handout sequence as well as lots of practical demonstration and involvement. There is little doubt that this treatment will help improve client loyalty and repeat visits as well as attract new clients.

What is Cranial Acupressure & Muscle release?

Cranial acupressure and muscle release is a hands-on- therapy focussing on the head, neck and shoulders. It is a blended approach which starts with palpation and pressure on acupressure points on the head, followed by a variety of muscle releasing techniques applied to head, neck and shoulders to help to ease muscle tension and stress.

What is Cranial Acupressure & Muscle release to clients?

Benefits are both physiological and psychological:

Can help release, soothe and relieve muscle tension and stress through the following processes:-

  • Promotes a feeling of deep relaxation and general well-being by helping to shift the body into parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Induces calming, soothing and positive thoughts and feelings. Can help the client to focus mindfully on their body and ‘get out of their head.’

  • Help engage natural healing within the body through meridian channels.

  • Increases the blood circulation, supplying increased oxygen and nutrient to the muscles and tissues and cells.

  • Helping to reduces toxins in the body by stimulating the lymphatic system, the body’s inherent detoxification process.

  • Helping to improve cognitive function, allowing the mind to rest and be in the moment.

  • Boosts and stimulates the immune system, encouraging the body to heal itself.

  • Helps to lift low mood through therapeutic touch and is often a viewed by client’s as a designated time to their own well-being, or giving a ‘treat’ to themself, or by feeling valued if it’s a gift from a loved one.

  • Help client’s be more aware of their posture which could be leading to muscle tension, stiffness and pain.

  • Help to reduce stress, anxiety and tension, helping support the body into parasympathetic dominance.


Palpating vertebra

Reflexology for Menopause

The course is a detailed look into the anatomical and physiological changes associated with peri menopause and going through the menopause transition. 

Course content includes:

- Deep dive into physiological changes within the endocrine reproductive, musculoskeletal and nervous and limbic systems.

- How menopause affects other bodily systems such as cardiovascular, integumentary and how the digestive system can support a client's menopause journey.

- Reflexology links and meridians to help balance and support client's with menopause symptoms.

- Endocrine balancing and importance of adrenals in menopause plus the HPG axis

-A new approach to working afferent and efferent nerves.

- The link between gut & brain health to support menopausal symptoms like brain fog.

- HRT and supplements, nutrition selfcare

-Sleep and the impact of dopamine on poor sleep

Dates of next Menopause & Reflexology Courses

Dates: Friday 20th September & Saturday 21st September 2024

To attend the Menopause CPD course, Email: